Tinu’s Story


fled Nigeria after my parents were kidnapped and murdered. Fearing for my life, I left my three-month-old with my aunt and made the journey to England. It was not an easy decision, and I still don’t know where the courage came from but every step of the way I told myself I was doing this to make a better way for my child.  

Once there, I sought asylum and moved to Wolverhampton, where I met someone from the same background as me. He listened empathetically to my story and seemed like a very nice person so we became fast friends and eventually lovers.  

I was very lonely, and things were not progressing as quickly as I hoped. So meeting someone who spoke the same language was a relief and I confided in him. Everything was going on smoothly and he said all the right things until the relationship became intimate and I found out I was pregnant. When I told him, he demanded that I have an abortion. When I refused, he became violent and threatened me. 

Afraid to report him, I stayed with a friend until I had the baby. He later apologised and promised to take care of me and the baby, so I added his name to the birth certificate which he collected and kept. However, his intentions were selfish. He only wanted to use it to claim benefits that I was not entitled to. He soon became abusive again.  

When I asked him for the birth certificate, he got really angry and violently threw my baby onto the bed. I left and sought help. At the hospital, it was discovered that my baby had a breathing issue and needed emergency surgery. 

A doctor at the hospital referred me to The Haven. They provided me with a safe place to stay, emotional support, counselling, and legal assistance. They also gave me some essentials for myself and the baby as I was starting afresh with nothing. They helped me secure residency and a restraining order against my ex-partner. Now, my baby is healthy, and I feel safe. My child in Nigeria is well, and I am exploring options to reunite with him. My advice to anyone in a similar situation is to recognise that love does not hurt. Just get out of there. 

Tinu’s name has been changed to protect her identity. Images are for illustration purposes only. 

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To read more stories about women whose lives were forever changed by Domestic Abuse visit www.youmatterhaven.org.uk.

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Get Support

Please note that the following lines of contact are strictly for those seeking support and not for general enquiries:
Domestic Abuse Helpline: (24/7) 08000 194 400
WhatsApp Helpline: (Mon-Fri | 9.00am – 5.00pm) 07719 558 183

Safety Planning Guide

Information to consider if you are thinking about leaving an abusive relationship.

Health & Wellbeing Guide

Information to improve your mental health if you are feeling worried and anxious.

Domestic Abuse Guide

Information to help you recognise abuse if you are unsure about what it is.