Health & Safety Retainer

Health & Safety Retainer Tender Specification

‘Invitation to Tender’:
H&S Retainer/H&S Consultancy Services to The Haven Wolverhampton

Tender Requirements:

The Haven Wolverhampton Board of Trustees have requested a review of the organisations H&S Retainer. We are inviting proposals for tender in line with our requirements outlined below. The interview process will require a presentation to a small panel including members of The Haven Board and Senior Management Team.

Date of Tender: December 13th, 2021

Award of Tender: March 2022

Commencement Date: April 2022

1.Annual Health & Safety Audit

The Haven require a full annual Health and Safety Audit Inspection of all properties within The Havens managed portfolio. Audits to be completed by a qualified H&S professional, to the standard of Chartered Safety and Health and Safety or fire safety Practitioner (CMIOSH or CFIOSH) with relevant experience gained within the Charity Sector. Must have suitable insurance cover in place.  Registered with The Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR)

Annual Audit Requirements:

Pre-audit meeting to take place with The Haven Management to agree audit scope, pre-audit planning and audit schedule.

Audit Inspections to commence during the month of April of each year.

The audit process should include a review of all H&S documentation held by The Haven, including Fire Risk Assessments for each site/,  risk assessments held, followed by a physical inspection of each property/site by the approved consultant, including identification and assessment of any health and safety risks and non-compliances.

Management Report:  Compliance and Quality report to The Haven’s Management & Governance Sub Committee members, including recommendations and proposed actions for compliance.

The management report will include details of audit findings from properties/sites and details of any identified non-compliances or deviation from statutory legislation, approved codes of practice, guidance, or industry-standard practice.

The report will also include recommendations of action/controls considered necessary to reduce  risk to an acceptable level, prevent accidents or ill health to any persons on or in the vicinity of the site.

2. Annual Desktop Review of H&S Documents

Policy and Procedures, risk assessments and evidence of management in place

3. H&S Advice & Support

General guidance queries, incidents, changes to be made following legislative reasons. Guidance on actions raised from audit/reports.

4. Bespoke H&S Training:

Board & Senior Manager Training

H&S training for Service managers, leads

Tender Presentation to the Panel/Interview Process:

Those shortlisted will be invited to make presentations to a small panel consisting of members of The Havens Board of Trustees and Senior Management Team.

  • Presentations should last no longer than 45 minutes and should address the tender criteria outlined above.
  • ‘Questions and Answers’ session will follow the presentation

Proposals should also include:

  • Outline of pre-audit preparation to Annual H&S Audits, Audit process, post audit.
  • Schedule of works proposed
  • Report mechanism
  • Relevant Experience within the Charity Sector
  • Additional services that may be appropriate/of benefit to the needs of The Haven Wolverhampton
  • Proposed fee’s
  • Qualifications held and training.
  • Insurances
  • Referees


  • Release of tender – 13.12.2021
  • Closing date for submissions – 28.01.2022
  • Presentations & Interviews – Early February 2022
  • Award of Tender – Early March 2022
  • Commencement – Beginning of April 2022

Next Steps…

Tender documents to be submitted for the attention of:

 Nina Griffiths, Finance & Business Manager 

Carolyn Gunderson Biles, H&S and Facilities Manager