What to expect
The information below is to help you understand what to expect from support in the community
Every woman and child subjected to Domestic Abuse has different needs. Not all victims of Domestic Abuse wish to access refuge accommodation. Some women may want to stay in their own homes or find alternative accommodation in the community.
Our community team can help you with safety planning, housing applications and support through the criminal justice system, as well as accessing various community support services. The service also utilises the skills of Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs).
An IDVA is a named professional case worker for domestic abuse victims whose primary purpose is to address the safety of ‘high risk’ victims and their dependent children. Serving as a victim’s main point of contact, IDVAs will work with you from the point of crisis to assess the level of risk, discuss the range of suitable options and develop coordinated safety plans.
IDVAs are pro-active in implementing safety plans, which include practical steps to protect you and your children, as well as longer-term solutions. These plans will include actions from the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).
Our community team is dedicated to empowering female adult survivors through effective emotional support. The team will work with you to build trusting and professional relationships to help you move forward with your life.
They can assist with
- Establishing personal safety and security
- Setting up and maintaining a tenancy
- Housing rights and responsibilities
- Welfare benefits, including how to access grants and loans
- Accessing community services
- Accessing legal advice and support with court appearances
- Training, volunteering and employment opportunities
- Building self-confidence and social skills
- Skills development including budgeting, bill-payments and personal management
You will be able to access this service subject to meeting our eligibility criteria.
To make an enquiry about accessing support from the Community team call our 24 Hour helpline on 08000 194 400 or email: referralpoint@havenrefuge.org.uk