PRESS RELEASE – DigitalAgenda Impact Awards 2020

Wolverhampton, UK – February 3rd 2020 – You Matter; a digital tool created by The Haven with Comic Relief support and funding, has been shortlisted for DigitalAgenda’s 2020 Impact Awards. You Matter was created in collaboration with tech-for-good focussed digital agency; Neontribe, alongside women who have been victims of domestic abuse. The tool which enables women to read real-life stories of domestic abuse and access support has been shortlisted in the Social Transformation category.

You Matter Poster.

In 2016, Comic Relief’s Tech vs. Abuse research revealed that digital tools have the power to make a compelling difference in the lives of women experiencing abuse. Subsequently, the Haven’s own research conducted through workshops, revealed that the biggest area of need was to first help women “recognise it’s abuse” and overcome the fear of stigma associated with accessing support. The research also revealed that some women found direct personal questions off putting. With that in mind, You Matter was created to be a digital safe space with no pressure, using other women’s stories. The portal enables women to process the stories at a pace that suits them, and they can make contact when they are ready.

Pamilerin Beckley, Architect of Stories at The Haven said “When You Matter was launched, we hoped that at least one woman would make contact from visiting the website. We have since received self-referrals through our helpline from women who, after viewing the website, decided that they needed our help and support. We believe that this alone is indicative of the positive impact that You Matter has.” Speaking about the Impact Awards she says; “We are elated to have made the shortlist. Hopefully, this exposure will help us reach a wider audience and will encourage more women to seek help before they reach crisis point and they become high risk.”

The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday 5th March at the Oval Space in London where the winners in each category will be announced. The finalists have also been shortlisted for a People’s Choice Award. Voting for this is now open to the general public and you are invited to vote for You Matter ‘Realising it’s abuse’ by The Haven Wolverhampton to win here:

Voting is a click and an email address – less than 30 seconds:

  1. Follow this link:
  2. Click the ‘vote’ button
  3. Tick the ‘ You Matter: ‘Realising it’s abuse’ by The Haven Wolverhampton’ option – we’re at the bottom
  4. Fill in the email address box and click ‘vote’

Please note that voting closes on the 28th of February 2020.



Pamilerin Beckley (Architect of Stories, The HAVEN, Wolverhampton)

Phone – 01902 904 677 Ext: 4020 | Email –


About DigitalAgenda Impact Awards

The DigitalAgenda Impact Awards celebrate technology innovations that improve people’s lives and the world around us. Now in their fourth year, the awards are open to any UK-operating business, individual, government or non-profit using digital products or services for positive social impact.

Find out more:

Finalists & Voting:


About You Matter:

You Matter was funded through a joint funding initiative between the Tampon Tax Fund, a partnership between HM Government and Comic Relief, and the Big Lottery Fund.

The website was developed by Neontribe and The Haven, together with women who have been victims of domestic abuse.

The Haven is a Wolverhampton based charity which supports women and dependent children who are vulnerable to domestic violence, homelessness and abuse.

You Matter:

Tech vs. Abuse:

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