PRESS RELEASE – Campaign to help staff access Domestic Abuse support

A charity in the West Midlands has launched a dedicated campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and support businesses in becoming safe spaces for staff.

The Haven Wolverhampton has launched its brand new ‘Purple Pledge Campaign’, an ongoing effort to help businesses in the Black Country become zero tolerance workplaces and ensure they have the right tools in place to support employees who may be subjected to domestic abuse.   

To mark the launch, The Haven Wolverhampton team has created its inaugural ‘Purple Pledge Week’ to run this year from 28 April to 5 May, coinciding with the World Day for Safety & Health at Work 2021.  

Pamilerin Beckley, Architect of Stories at The Haven, explained: “Domestic abuse can have a huge impact on all areas of a person’s life, from their work and relationships to their self-esteem and independence. In fact, domestic abuse costs businesses £1.9billion each year through reduced productivity and performance (1), and with abuse often being not just physical, but also emotional, sexual, financial, or psychological, employees can often hide the issues from their workplace.

“The purpose of our Purple Pledge Campaign is to encourage as many businesses as possible within the region to join, help us raise awareness of domestic abuse, and enable us to provide employers with the tools to support their teams — whether it’s training, having a dedicated domestic abuse policy put in place, or having a workplace champion who employees can turn to for confidential support.”

Around 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men will be stalked during their lifetime (2), with many abusers often attempting to harass, stalk, injure, or threaten their victims at their workplace.

Pamilerin added: “We’re determined to get as many businesses as possible pledging to put an end to domestic abuse in all of its forms, and provide a safe haven for their employees at work — which is where many rely on going to escape from their abusers. It’s about not only recognising the signs that someone may be struggling, but having the tools in place to help and refer people when needed.

“Businesses that sign up to The Purple Pledge will not only be part of this hugely worthwhile campaign to raise awareness and support people subjected to domestic abuse, but they will continue to receive support from the team at The Haven all-year-round. I’d encourage anyone interested to be part of The Purple Pledge to visit <to be confirmed> for more information.”

Businesses which sign up to The Purple Pledge will receive the logo to use and receive a ‘toolkit’ including various resources to help managers recognise, respond, and refer employees to dedicated means of support, as well as secure access to various training packages.

The Haven Wolverhampton is a charity providing a range of services to individuals suffering from domestic abuse, homelessness, people trafficking and modern slavery, FGM, forced marriage, and sexual assault. For more information, please visit or call 01902 904 677. For free practical and emotional support, the 24/7 helpline is available on 08000 194400.

(1) The Economic & Social Costs of Domestic Abuse

(2)Office of National Statistics



Tracey Secker

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