PRESS RELEASE: OSB Group make incredible donation to The Haven Wolverhampton

The Haven Wolverhampton are delighted to have received an incredibly generous donation from their charity partner OSB Group. The partnership was formed in December 2020 when The Haven Wolverhampton was selected as one of their local charities for the year. The team directly supporting The Haven Wolverhampton from OSB Group have gone to great lengths to learn and understand as much about the charity as possible and to source opportunities and support from within their team to help their vital services continue; especially during the ongoing pandemic.

The Haven Wolverhampton, who provide practical and emotional support services to women and children fleeing domestic abuse and homelessness, have seen a sharp increase in demand for their services during the pandemic, with more women and children reaching out in dire need of support.

Jade Secker, Fundraising Manager at The Haven said “we are completely overwhelmed and so grateful for the generosity of OSB Group. Their incredible donation will help so many vulnerable women and children to seek vital care and support from The Haven. Our services rely heavily on funds generated from our usual busy calendar of fundraising events; most of which have sadly remained cancelled for over a year due to ongoing restrictions. A donation like the one from OBS Group is vital to ensuring our critical services like our 24/7 helpline, counselling support and criminal justice support can continue to be there for women and children in their darkest hour – we couldn’t be more grateful to OSB Group for their support.”

Andy Golding, CEO, OSB Group commented, “I’m delighted that we’re able to offer additional support to our charity partner The Haven Wolverhampton as we know that it’s been a particularly challenging time for them. Not only has their fundraising been affected by the pandemic, but the need for their services has also increased, so I know that this donation will help provide some key essentials.

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