When the opportunity for Coast 2 Coast came along, without a second thought, I pounced onto the idea of joining the team. My brother had done Coast 2 Coast a few years ago and really enjoyed it, so I thought I would give it a shot. When the initial team was picked I was excited to be a part of that selection along with 11 other great runners. The training was 12 weeks long and it was as hard as it comes. We were running five times a week and doing two circuits. At the time I thought this was an excessive amount of training, but I soon released I underestimated how hard Coast 2 Coast would actually be.
When running Coast 2 Coast, you’re pushing yourself beyond limits in both a mental and physical way. This challenge is very mentally challenging because it feels like when you’re running everything is hurting and tired, and at some points I felt like stopping, but obviously like everyone on the team I persevered throughout the challenge. Finishing Coast 2 Coast was one of the most surreal things, running down the hill and seeing my family along with the teachers and other families was a brilliant experience.
I personally underestimated how hard Coast 2 Coast would be and it is not until you’re running it you realise how much of a challenge it really is. Coast 2 Coast helped me in many ways, obviously in the aspect of fitness and my health, but also helped me learn qualities about myself. Also, Coast 2 Coast brings a team of people who maybe aren’t extremely close before closer, every team member motivating one another through the tough times. I personally think Coast 2 Coast was one of the best experiences I’ve been through and it’ll stay with me throughout my whole life.