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Women’s Voices | Sitting at the intersection of Mental Health and Domestic Abuse

Women’s Voices | Sitting at the intersection of Mental Health and Domestic Abuse

Too many look for the presence of physical wounds or scars as evidence of abuse, forgetting that domestic abuse can be insidious. It can impact every part of a victim’s life leaving deep emotional scars that are not always visible to the outside world. In this post, we explore the intricate relationship between mental health and domestic abuse, through the voices and experiences of five survivors. Read to find out more.

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Impact Reports

2018 – 2019

A throwback to how it all began, with a spotlight on our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and Sexual Violence support services. Click to download.

2020 – 2021

A reflection on the impact of COVID-19, with a spotlight on supporting staff wellbeing and women with no recourse to public funds.  Click to download.

2019 – 2020

A tribute to our late co-founder Colin Brown, with a spotlight on Substance Abuse and our Digital Transformation journey.  Click to download.