Ella is a brave young girl who, along with her family, found solace and support at The Haven during a challenging time at home. Initially hesitant and fearful, Ella soon discovered a safe and nurturing environment filled with dedicated individuals committed to helping her thrive.
Megan’s Story
At the height of fame for this star from BBC’s The Voice, no one knew that off the stage and behind closed doors, Megan Reece was a survivor whose talent had been overshadowed by the dark clouds of an abusive relationship for years. She shares her compelling story of how support from The Haven was crucial to her survival and transformation.
Carolyn’s Story
In a heartwarming showcase of corporate responsibility, Carolyn Smith, the Managing Director of Wolverhampton-based design agency TPSquared, shares the inspiring journey of their four-year partnership with The Haven Wolverhampton, illuminating the power of creativity and compassion in making a difference.
Donna’s Story
Donna turned to The Haven’s IDVA Service for support during a challenging court case. Overwhelmed by the justice system, she battled despair and suicidal thoughts. Donna attributes her survival to the Haven IDVA’s encouragement and support.
Sadie’s Story
Sadie was referred to The Haven after she was groomed online and sexually exploited as a young girl. She was 14 when her teacher raised concerns with the safeguarding team that she was communicating with an older man online. She talks about how The Haven helped her to deal with the abuse, build her confidence and aspire for a better life.
James’ Story
James was referred to The Haven Wolverhampton after he and his mom were subjected to domestic abuse by his mom’s partner. He told us how The Haven supported him to talk openly about his feelings, and how he loved accessing VR therapy.
Jenna’s Story
Jenna volunteered for The Haven Wolverhampton back in the 1980s. We chatted to her about how she came to work with us, how she blossomed in the role, and one memorable incident involving a lively toddler!
Wendy’s Story
Twenty years ago, Wendy and her children left everything they had ever known and moved to Wolverhampton to flee from domestic abuse. She talks to us about how thankful she was for the support she received from The Haven Wolverhampton, and why she walked a marathon to give back.